Energy Technology & Fluid Dynamics

The research group Energy Technology and Fluid Dynamics consists of some 70 persons comprising faculty, support staff and PhD students. We are part of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands. The mission our group is to advance heat & flow technologies for energy and high-tech applications. This mission encompasses research and development of new methods and tools (science); improving applied systems (technology); exchanging knowledge with our partners in society (valorization) and teaching and inspiring the future generation of engineers (education).

The scientific and technological challenges in the areas of energy technology and high-tech systems are huge. In order to deal with the challenges, both fundamental and application-oriented developments are necessary. If there is one single discipline where you really can make a difference as an engineer or scientist, it is in the field of energy technology & fluid dynamics

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Summer School 2024

For more information SEEEP PhD Summer School 2024 | KTH

PhD Summer School on Energy Transition 2022

The summer school was held successfully 15-26 August. We had 63 PhD students, of which 46 from Chinese partner universities. You can find the lectures below:

  1. Dr. Quan Li: ENN Energy Strategy
  2. Prof. Lennart SΓΆder: Resilient Electricity Systems
  3. Prof. Lina Bertling: Green Grids
  4. Prof. David Smeulders: Resilient energy supply and demand
  5. Prof. Angele Reinders: Design-driven photovoltaics
  6. Prof. Daniel Tsang: Food Waste Biorefinery
  7. Prof. Dong Chen: Microfluidics
  8. Prof. Shiran Bao: Helium cryogenics
  9. Prof. Jinlong Liu: Decarbonization of the transport sector
  10. Prof. Jan Hensen: Decarbonizing residential building energy use
  11. Prof BjΓΆrn Laumert: Energy Infrastructure Networks
  12. Prof. David Smeulders: TUE Energy Center


PhD summer school on hydrogen 2024

For more information summer school on hydrogen | KTH

3rd EuroTech PhD summer school on hydrogen 2024

PhD students in hydrogen research are invited to the third EuroTech summer school! Join us for a week of engaging lectures, discussions, poster sessions, and a company visit.

Topics covered include:
πŸ“š Hydrogen – physical basics
πŸ“š Production
πŸ“š Storage/transport
πŸ“š Usage
πŸ“š Societal and economical context

Amongst the speakers are:
🎀 Prof. R. v. d. Sanden (TU/e)
🎀 Dr. F. Alkemade (TU/e)
🎀 Prof. C. Catyichristodoulus (DTU)
🎀 Prof. A. G. Dana (Technion)
🎀 Dr. F. Kerscher (TUM)
🎀 Dr. L. Blanco-Martin (Mines ParisTech)
🎀 Dr. S. Rovers (Shell)
🎀 Prof. Peyman Khajavi (DTU)
🎀 Dr. Paola Granados (HyCC)
🎀 Dr. K. De Kleijne (TU/e)


Students apply for our Energy Technology and Fluid Dynamics (ETFD) MSc program through the Master Allocation Procedure (MAP). Typically we welcome 30 new students each year. Your MSc program has a total duration of two academic years and has a value of 120 credit points (EC). In consultation with your mentor, you select your courses. Your curriculum consists of core lectures (20 EC), specialization courses lectured by professors from our Mechanical Engineering (ME) Department (20 EC), elective courses (15 EC), 2 professional skills courses (5 EC), an internship (15 EC), and finally your graduation project (45 EC). In our group we have three mentors: Prof. David Smeulders for all ME students in general, Prof. Harald van Brummelen for those with a strong preference for Computational Fluid Dynamics, and Dr. Rick de Lange for all SET students.

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