Fluid-solid interactions

This research theme is at the forefront of scientific developments and is synergetic to various application areas, e.g. hydraulic fracturing for geothermal applications, elasto-capillarity for inkjet printing processes and contamination control in photo-lithography machines. The scientific challenge is to couple fluid flow and structural behaviour.

BESTOFRAC: Environmentally best practices and optimisation in hydraulic fracturing for shale gas/oil development

Project duration: 01.01.2017 – 31.12.2020 project support: EU: H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016

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  • Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany
  • International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM), Italy
  • Leibnitz University Hannover, Germany
  • University of Durham, UK
  • Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
  • University of Cuenca, Equador
  • inuTech GmbH, Germany
  • Ho-Chi-Minh University of Technology, Vietnam
  • Tongji University, Shanghai, China
  • SINOPEC, China

Abstract: This research brings together the complementary expertise of our consortium members to gain a better understanding of the physics in hydraulic fracturing (HF) with the final goal to optimize HF practices and to assess the environmental risks related to HF. This requires the development and implementation of reliable models for HF, scaled laboratory tests and available on-site data to validate these models. The key expertise in our consortium is on modelling and simulation of HF and all partners involved pursue different computational approaches. However, we have also some partners in our consortium which focus on scaled laboratory tests and one company which can provide on-site data.

Description: The final objective is to employ these models in order to answer some pressing questions related to environmental risks of HF practices, including

  1. How does HF interact with the natural fractures that intersect the shale seam?’
  2. How does the fracture network from a previous stage of HF treatment affect the fracture network evolution in succeeding, adjacent stages?
  3. What are the requirements to constrain fractures from propagating to the adjacent layers of confining rock?

The exchange and training objectives are to:

  1. Enhance the intersectoral and interdisciplinary training of Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) and Experienced Researchers (ERs) in Computational Science, Mining Geotechnics, Geomechanics, Modeling and Simulation
  2. Strengthen, quantitatively and qualitatively, the human potential in research and technology in Europe
  3. Advance the scientific contribution of women researchers in this area
  4. Create synergies with other EU projects
  5. Enable and support all ESRs/ERs to keep contact with international community in the sense of training and transfer of knowledge
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